Whether I am studying a community reclaiming its collective identity or with older adults trying to protect their assets, the goal of my research is to understand how to design and implement change initiatives that address significant social problems.

Over the years, this interest has materialized in three different areas of research.

Over the years, this interest has materialized in different areas of research.

Close up of woman pointing to sticky notes on a whiteboard.

As a MRes/PhD researcher in the Strategy and Entrepreneurship group at the UCL School of Management I am exploring the challenges and opportunities of hybrid working.

During my MPhil in Organizational Psychology at the London School of Economics, I examined how stigmatization is sustained despite individual and collective identity work. Additionally, I explored the dynamic relationship between collective action – such as protests and boycotts – and public policy. I pursued these research questions through a three-year case study of a marginalized neighborhood in Sevilla, Spain, where neighbors and associations mobilized to demand equality. This project was funded by a 'La Caixa' Foundation Fellowship for young talent, the most significant private institution program in Spain.

The work that evolved into my MPhil dissertation initially began as a study of individual and collective coping strategies for long-term unemployment. This line of research was motivated by my year spent evaluating the effectiveness of occupational health interventions on psychological and organizational outcomes. Using a meta-analytic study of randomized controlled trials in organizational settings, I demonstrated how different intervention types appeared to be more effective for certain outcomes. This research project was part of my MSc dissertation at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience at King’s College London and was published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Before examining the effects of interventions in community and organizational settings, I spent a year studying how to prevent elder financial exploitation. Financial abuse and exploitation, increasingly common crimes, are less likely to be reported due to the vulnerable and often isolated state of the victims. This study was funded by the United States Department of Justice and was published in the Journal of Gerontology.